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Leave a Question for Twig’s SE Reflections

…ef=””>paid consultation. General Public Note: Twig’s SE Reflections is a project for therapists and other helping practitioners specializing in the application of Somatic Experiencing and other somatically based therapies. If you’re from the general public and interested in things like Somatic Experiencing you might be better served in my <a title=”Twig’s Public


Communicating with Traumatized Clients – How to Signal Safety

An unusually fun and helpful 2-Day workshop for Helping Professionals.

Designed to increase your clarity, spontaneity, success, and signal of safety in communicating with distressed people.

Embodied education to aid you in the challenging and strategic work of assisting the healing of trauma.

Created and facilitated by Somatic Educator, Trauma Specialist, and Improvisational Performance Artist


062: Guarding the Moment – Protecting the Present Tense

There are moments in sessions that stand out as more important than others. These events range from increased curiosity to full fledged tracking of involuntary somatic experience. Typically the attention necessary to catch and follow these moments of significance are lost on our clients due to the general noise or thoughts and expectations common to us all. Before we can expect our clients to hang out in the present moment we’re going