077: Will this Be an I Can or I Can’t Moment?

…up of dozens, if not hundreds, of elements of experience encountered in the moment. Part of our task as SE Practitioners is to help clients thread their attention through these elements in a way that maximizes the sense of success while minimizing the sense of failure – ala the “I Can Principle.”

Judging what is going to become an “I Can” moment and what will lead to reinforcing “I Can’t”…


Catastrophic Thinking, Existential Threats & How SEP’s can help clients when they’re flipping out

…annot “solve” the challenges that threaten people. However, we can appreciate the pain of those caught in runaway worry. We can also offer unique assistance in helping people renegotiate past stressors and more successfully ride current ones so they can feel less concerned about and respond more appropriately to scary stuff in the future.

That’s worth some consideration about the nature of catastrophic thinking, the…


076: Preparing the Advocate

As SE practitioner we often either accompany or prepare our clients for stressful events. Things like surgeries, court battles, conflicted meetings with family or employers and so on. These inherently stressful events can be hard on anyone and are especially challenged for people who already experience themselves in regular distress. They’re also the kind of events that we shouldn’t “do alone” if at all possible. And


Consultations and Supervision for Somatic Experiencing Practitioners

…nformation about Twig’s SE Consultations Whenever my travel schedule allows I offer about 1-dozen phone consultations per week. The folks who pursue these tend to be: Working on their SE practitioner requirements that accompany the SE training curriculum. Practitioners with a burning question or challenging client situation. Wanting an honest assessment about what is working for them and where improvement can be found. Taking an active…


Twig’s Mission Statement

…while protecting and promoting the prospect for well-being. I champion the fact that returning to our senses and a biocentric life-way is central to the solution we’ve been seeking and provide companionship along with occasional guidance for those striving to remain human in the age of fragmentation and these troubled times. In other words, I aim to help make the best thing happen that can given the situation we find ourselves in. Vision…