Declarations & Disclaimers

…ator is specifically chosen to give me access to a certain type of conversation as an informed community participant. I do not have tenure in the themes I investigate here and this gives me the opportunity to converse across common barriers for communication that indoctrination, specialization and incumbancy can produce. While this opens some doors it obviously closes others. Ultimately this says that I am not and cannot be an absolute expert


Needs for Successful Renegotiation of Freeze

…b style=”line-height: 1.625rem;”>Renegotiation of Freeze/Immobility states is a central piece of the work we do as SE Practitioners and one of the great gifts that SE has to offer. The relief that comes from quelling the compulsion of Freeze is essentially unmatched by anything else we can do for folks (after all: the true Freeze/Immobility state is associated psycho-biologically with deep conservation,…