3×3 Pattern for Diminishing the Stress Response – Feel Better By Looking Around

…you – could be the same, could be different. Repeat this Pattern 3x (i.e. name 3 things outside of you, 3 things inside of you, 3 things outside of you, 3 times around).

Now ask a simple check in question: β€œDo I feel the same now or different in any way?” When you feel good enough to go on with life, move on to your other things to do. If you notice things improving but not quite there…


Dr. Robert Scaer and The Trauma Spectrum – Interview Part 2

…nd The Body Bears the Burden with 30 years as the director of a nationally recognized pain clinic in Boulder Colorado, Scaer knows a thing or two about the emerging science of traumatology and what it says about the prospect for healing.

He’s also a genuine and forthcoming human being.

Scaer also maintains an impressive website that will be of…


Finally the Fire


Mr. Edward Glidden showed up at 4am the morning the fire finally swept my land. He’d driving all night. No need to do this alone.

A first-hand account of the largest wildfire in Washington state history.

5 minutes before the fire