A contract for getting started

…r not to risk the disruption of this comment in the first place.]

I set up this contract for several reasons, most are for the client’s benefit. However, the strongest reason is for me. It is helpful for me to successfully act when I find myself needing to do the the interrupting. Without being able to lean on this contract I often find myself bitting my tongue in a bit of a freeze knowing that I should interrupt but not feeling…


Working with people after natural disasters

…l disasters” href=”http://www.thresholdshealing.com/after-the-flood-how-to-heal-collective-trauma/”>You can find it here.]

“Twig, I am looking forward to your blog. I have a question. Can you give some practical information on using SE with groups after a natural disaster? We have been visited by some very destructive tornados in this area recently. Thank you!” – Krystal

Krystal. I’ve been thinking…


Reviews & Reputation

…’s what’s already been said about Anthony Twig Wheeler.


  Performance “Wow. Twig can get it across! Authentically. and with humor. what else is there? Just see it!” –Kim McCourt, Therapist “Twig’s mastery of performance art had us in stitches the whole evening. This is a must see performance. Twig Wheeler is a national treasure!” –Neal Winblad, MFT “It…


Invite Twig to your SE Community

…sed on. The best way to do this is to look through my Services for Helping Professionals.

Another thought is for you to check out my online resources. Maybe they will give you enough of what you might need from me without needing to put together an entire program in your area. Checking out my <a title=”Twig’s SE Reflections – Project Home”…