Polyvagal Theory and Neuroception

…change of orientation in gravity as in a fall, our free behavior is curtailed and our attention directed toward fight and flight type behaviors. As a neuroception signal of “life threat” comes forward, regardless of any rational insistence to the contrary, our psyches and bodies will respond with classic signs of immobilization and freezing like dissociation, physical weakness and frail or


Why the Stress Response gets Stuck

Summary : In Somatic Experiencing circles we talk a lot about the biological cause of trauma and “why the stress response doesn’t complete.” We pass around various explanations that generally point toward something that wanted to happen that didn’t. It’s a little wordy but here’s my current short-hand explanation.

“The thing that wanted to happen but


Where to Start Suggestions for SE Practitioners by Twig

…IsPossible.org-@2x.jpg”> How to make a Super-Helpful-SE-Workshop It takes a few steps and several years, first: Make a detailed study of what happens when SE sessions “go right.” Identify the common traits in these sessions. Compare these to an equally thorough study of what happens when sessions “go bad.” Name the necessary and sufficient conditions needed for every session to be successful….


Twig’s Mission Statement

…the material and cultural world. We’ve proven we can do a lot of things, some of which are good for us and some of which are not.

The deeper and more vital appreciation of our predicament – for individuals, families, communities, indeed the entire world population – will come when we consider our challenges, sufferings and even our successes in relationship to the simple truth that we are now almost completely removed from the social and…