Needs for Successful Renegotiation of Freeze

…7;re after. When we grok the sense or gestalt of this check list we can step aside the notion of a formula and proceed more dynamically. Until then, it’s a good idea to respect that Freeze requires certian things for successful renegotiation. Better to be aware of them and get them in place before saying those lovely words: “And as you feel that heaviness-distance-haziness-etc, is it okay to just let that happen and we’ll see…


Where to Start – Q&A Follow Up

…here (try to limit yourself to 3 questions): Do you have private feedback for Twig about the Where to Start presentation? Would you like to say anything publicly about Twig’s Where to Start presentation? If you leave a public comment please include your name below or your words will not be shared publicly. Who are you? Your name is helpful but is not necessary – you can leave this blank if you prefer, unless you left a public comment. Email…