SE Practitioners – You Can Know What To Say In Every SE® Session You Give

…of novel, well organized and finely edited material curated specifically to help you increase your SE confidence with each word you speak. Immediate access to further Version 1 releases as new material is added with a phrase ebook companion planned for V. 2. Associated encouraging emails to help you implement various learning points included in the guide. Influence over the course of future development with this material including having your…


Get Through Wildfires and Other Natural Disasters with Less Stress and Trauma

…ed for local radio in the Methow Valley, WA during the Carlton Complex Fires in 2014, by Anthony Twig Wheeler, a trauma specialist and somatic educator.


These recordings are published under the Creative Commons through a Free Cultural Works license. Please feel free to share and republish widely, the only restriction is that any derivative work must be also Share Alike. <a…