010: Stealing the Technique

Teachers of complex crafts like Somatic Experiencing come in all different styles and capacities for explaining their own process. But none of them can ever name everything theyโ€™re doing, nor should they. Part of learning the craft is learning how to pay attention and to sometimes โ€œsteal the technique.โ€ This takes your active participation and observation along with your willingness to adjust your own behavior when you see


068: Learning a New Terrain Takes Time

…ings take time.

Like learning the nuances of a new landscape or city. The local resident has a dozen tricks for getting to the airport on time. The visitor or newbie needs to give extra time for getting stuck in traffic because they simply donโ€™t know the secret way. So too with learning a craft like Somatic Experiencing. There are a dozen routes to where you want to go, but youโ€™ll need to put some time and attention into…


066: Looking Back Looking Forward

…ear Iโ€™ve offered up a little meditation on Looking Back and Looking Forward. To get where weโ€™d like to go is always a process. Things take time. Today youโ€™re not troubled by at least some things you found excruciating 5 years ago. Same too with skills and smoothness of execution in our SE sessions. We get better at these things over time. That includes coming through where we were before to where we are now and only then where…