083: It’s So Weird

Thereโ€™s a classic moment in SE sessions when a client is successfully moving through the activation cycle only to balk at allowing the discharge or deactivation phase because it โ€œfeels too weirdโ€ and indeed often times this phase includes truly odd, unsettling or even frightening sensations. Itโ€™s important to get adept at gauging how much allowance of this โ€œwierdโ€ experience can be tolerated and to work


084: Milton’s List

…unds โ€“ Like plastic water bottles or towels.

* Ripping up Newspaper in rounds โ€“ The sound is so so satisfying.

* And so onโ€ฆ

Setting up easy access to this list can be necessary:

Sometimes just talking about the idea of such a list is enough to give people something to lean on rather than focus all their attention on recurring anguish. Other times itโ€™s…